Hi, I'm David Oke, a Mechanical enginner. I recieved my bachelors and masters a Master's student in Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. I've had the opportunity to work on some challenging and intriguing engineering projects at CMU and also in industry.
My interests include product design, electromechanical systems, robotics, aerospace, fluid dynamics, structures, and design.
This past summer, I worked at SpaceX on their new Starship rocket designed to send humans to the moon and mars. The prior summer I interned at Boeing on the 777X Propulsion Integration and Autoflight Control Laws teams. During the 2018 summer, I worked at the jet engine manufacturer, Pratt & Whitney, in the quality engineering department. The prior summer I worked as a Technology Instructor teaching young kids programming, video-game design, robotics, and other STEM topics. If you are interested in some of the projects I've worked on feel free to explore my portfolio above or view my resume. If you would like to get in touch with me, feel free to contact me below.

"Innovation, hard work, and teamwork I believe are the foundations of any successful endeavor."